Friday, 26 November 2010

#36: Bluebeard's Bedsit

Of course there's a room you mustn't enter -
well, less a room, more the cupboard

under the sink. He explains: 'It's minging
in there,' adding an apologetic shrug,
before heading out 'to see a man
about a dog.'

So you sit and watch Come Dine With Me,
which this week is good. You flick through
a copy of Gravity's Rainbow

and pretend to yourself that you're enjoying it.
You send him a text: 'Bored!!! Miss you xx x'
The picture on your phone is of you, wearing his beard
like a frightwig,
both of you giggling.

You don't look under the sink.
You don't even peek at his messages
when you use his laptop to go on Facebook
and find he's still logged in.

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